Mon-Wed, 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM (8/16/2023 - 12/8/2023) Location: WISE LIBR 104
Tue-Thu, 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM (8/16/2023 - 12/8/2023) Location: WISE LIBR 104
This course is designed as an academic and reflective experience of reading, creative and critical thinking, and acadmic writing. Students will engage in the development of advanced reading strategies through exposure to varied text genres and will generate ideas from those readings as a basis for composing college-level written assignments. Instruction will incliude a focus on orgainiztion, the development of content, proper documentation, and the applicaton of standard written English. This course establishes a foundation for success in subsequent reading and writing intensive courses and will count toward graduation credits but not in the Liberal Arts Core.